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118 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5ED | +44(0)207 1010 718
Arlind Rama is a Humphrey Fellow of Department of State at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs in Minnesota. He served as Adviser to the Prime Minister of Albania coordinating the Government’s Priority of Employment and Economic Growth. Before joining the PM’s Cabinet, Arlind worked as Economist at the Research Department of the Bank of Albania specializing is macroeconomic projections and economic modeling fundamentals analysis. His research interests focus on public policy design and implementation, fiscal and monetary policy, financial markets, strategic investments, and public finances management. A contributor to the LSE Research Center on Southeastern Europe , Arlind is co-founder of the Institute for Public Policy and Good Governance (IPPM) and lectures anti-corruption and good governance in the Albanian School of Public Administration.
Arlind holds a Master of Science in Financial Economics from City University London, awarded Chevening scholarship by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He graduated in Finance and is a PhD Candidate at the University of Tirana where he also lectures.
by Arlind Rama
1 March 2019
by Arlind Rama
19 January 2018
by Arlind Rama and Brunello Rosa
9 January 2018