118 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5ED | +44(0)207 1010 718
118 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5ED | +44(0)207 1010 718
Mirko Giordani is a public affairs, political risk and strategic intelligence professional. He is the founder and CEO of Prelia, a strategic intelligence and political risk consultancy. Furthermore, Mirko created "Deep in the SEA," a podcast entirely dedicated to Southeast Asia and India.
Previously, Mirko has worked for Black Cube, a leading risk advisory and private intelligence firm, providing clients with highly valuable intelligence and security briefings. In addition, he acted as a lobbyist for multinational energy corporations in Italy. Additionally, Mirko acted as a consultant for risk advisories and investigations outfits in London. Through this, he gained an extensive set of skills in public affairs, counterintelligence and corporate risk.
Mirko is a prolific podcaster and foreign policy commentator, and he got invited several times to be a guest speaker for an Asian news broadcast. Furthermore, he has started creating video contents on LinkedIn giving career insights to young graduates. Born in Italy, Mirko graduated from LUISS University in Rome with a BA in Political Science and an MA in National Security Studies from King’s College London.
by Mirko Giordani
16 October 2024
by Mirko Giordani
23 July 2024
by Mirko Giordani
21 December 2023
by Mirko Giordani
21 November 2023
by Mirko Giordani
17 May 2023
by Mirko Giordani
13 April 2023
by Mirko Giordani
16 February 2022
by Mirko Giordani
14 February 2022
by Mirko Giordani
30 November 2020