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118 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5ED | +44(0)207 1010 718
Scott Mackie previously served in the British Military, deploying on operations across the world and gaining significant experience across a number of areas including humanitarian and disaster relief, counter-piracy and counter-narcotics operations, high threat area maritime escort, defence diplomacy, and regional engagement. Scott holds an MA in Politics and International Relations from the University of Aberdeen, and an MRes from the University of Portsmouth.
Scott specialises in emergent systems and space, with a particular focus on military and defence applications, and issues of resilience in the face of space denial. He also continues to take a keen interest in matters of global maritime security, especially as they pertain to the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Indo-Pacific regions, whilst he also frequently writes on British Politics.
By Scott Mackie
18 January 2024
by Scott Mackie
28 December 2023